Sometimes you suffer by what was done. Other times you suffer by what was not. Whether your “not enough,” “too much,” or “unlovability” comes from actions or absences, I’m here to help with your shame spirals. You know, those self-defeating narratives and intense emotions that erode your ability to live potently.
If this sounds familiar, I’m glad you’re here. I support people who want to live bigger and brighter, but have struggled with self-esteem, difficult relationships, sexual assault, sexual identity, gender identity, body-image and more. By learning how to heal these issues, you can arise to wholeness.

Together, we can heal the legacy of shame.
Meeting you where you’re at, we’ll use somatic and relational practices to soothe those “not enough” or “too much” experiences held in your mind and body. Through collaboration, I’ll show you how to live into your potential with love.
Welcome to my thoughts and musings on somatic psychotherapy. I cover a wide variety of topics and hope you enjoy!
Healing Shame
If you’re here, reading this blog, I’m going to assume you’ve had thoughts like: “There’s…
10 Ways To Regulate for Wellbeing
Like many somatic psychotherapists I believe there is an interdependent relationship between our mental and…
5 Steps for Resilience in Uncertain Times
Even in the best of times uncertainty can strike, rocking your world. Being able to…